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Creating Safe and Respectful Workplaces

Creating Safe and Respectful Workplaces

Training on Sexual Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination. The Clubs Queensland Workplace Relations Team offers tailored training to employees of Queensland Clubs on creating safe and respectful workplaces, focussing on sexual harassment, discrimination and workplace bullying. Secure your team’s spot now!





Why should we do the training?

Sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying are serious issues that have a detrimental effect on Clubs and their employees. Training on these topics is essential in creating a safe and respectful workplace for all employees.

Clubs have an obligation to provide a safe working environment for their employees, and a duty of care to take all reasonably practical steps to manage and prevent health and safety risks in the workplace. These risks include psychosocial risks that may arise from being subjected to, or witnessing, instances of sexual harassment, discrimination or bullying in the workplace.

Ultimately, providing training on these topics can also have an impact on your Club’s bottom line. A safe and respectful workplace will have a reduced employee turnover, increased productivity and improved morale.

By providing regular training on these topics, you can demonstrate your commitment to creating a safe and respectful workplace and fostering a culture of respect and accountability to your staff, members and the community.

What will the training cover?

The Creating Safe and Respectful Workplaces: Training on Sexual Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination is an engaging and interactive training session that will cover the following topics:  

1.     Training employees to understand what conduct constitutes sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination.
2.     Guidance on how sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination can be prevented in the workplace.
3.     How staff can address incidents of sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination in the workplace if they do occur.
4.     Educating employees on how they can provide support to colleagues affected by sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination, including referrals to access resources.

The training will take approximately 2 hours and is tailored to your Club’s policies and procedures that address these topics.

As this session is interactive, staff will be required to bring their mobile phone/device to allow for participation in the activities.

We appreciate this training is a sensitive topic and can be triggering for some staff. As such, we encourage Clubs to communicate the topics before the training and have practises in place for staff that may be unable to fully participate.

Creating Safe and Respectful Workplaces: Training on Sexual Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination is available at a cost of $1430.00 per session, including GST.*

Please note there is no limit on the number of employees that can attend each session. Management Committee and Board Members are also welcome to attend the training.

* Travel and/or accommodation costs may be payable for Clubs that are located more than 4 hours from Brisbane CBD, depending on the timing of the training. 

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Clubs Queensland booking information:
Bookings are essential for all events to avoid disappointment. All booking must be paid in full prior to the event.

Cancellation Policy Events and Training: 
All cancellations must be made in writing to Clubs Queensland via [email protected]. Your registration will be refunded if cancellation is received in writing at least seven (7) business days before the event. Cancellations made after this time cannot be refunded. As an alternative to cancellation, your registration may be transferred to another person at no cost.

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